




In recent years, as China's position on the world economic stage has become increasingly important, more and more foreigners have come to China to seek a career.According to Chinese law, foreigners must apply for a work visa when they are employed in China. That is, the residence permit for the job category is a visa attached to the passport, and the residence is for work.If you have family members, your family members can apply for a residence permit visa together. The reason for staying is private affairs.


外国人家属居留许可样证 / Example



So what is the difference between a Q visa and S visa?

In response to this problem, the following content are sorted out.


According to the newly implemented entry and exit administration law on July 1, 2013, Chinese family visit visas mainly include the following types:


1 S字签证:私人事务

S visa : private affairs


The "S" visa is a new category from "L" visa, which is mainly issued to foreigners who are visiting relatives and handling private affairs.



◆1. 与Q字签证相比,S字签证实际上也涵盖了入境探亲的事由,但S字签证申请人的探亲对象必须是因工作、学习等事由在华居留的外国人。其他在华居留外国人,如持Q1字、S1字签证入境在华居留的外国人则不属此对象范畴;

◆2. S1字签证颁发对象必须是“因工作、学习等事由在中国境内居留的外国人的配偶、父母、未满18周岁的子女、配偶父母”,S2字签证则为“因工作、学习等事由在中国境内停留居留的外国人的家庭成员”,也就是说S1字和S2字签证的签发对象范围是不同的;

◆3. 其他私人事务主要包括婚姻、继承、诉讼、医疗等签证机关认为合理的事由。


There are three points to note about S visa:

First,compared with the Q visa,the S visa actually covers the reasons for visiting relatives. However, the applicant for the S visa applicant must be a foreigner staying in China for work, study, etc. And other foreigners staying in China, such as holding Q1 visa or S1 visa is not included in this category;

Second,The S1 visa must be issued to the spouse, parents, children under the age of 18, and spouse parents of foreigners who reside in China for work, study, etc. The S2 visa is “for work, study, etc.” The family members of foreigners staying in China, that is, the scope of the S1 and S2 visas is different;

Third, other private affairs mainly include matters that the visa authorities consider reasonable in marriage, inheritance, litigation, and medical care.

2 Q字签证:探亲华人

Q visa : visit Chinese relatives


For many years, China has issued an L visa for foreign relatives to China, and has not distinguished it from traveling to China and handling other private affairs personnel. To a certain extent,this has affected Chinese embassies and consulates in other countries to provide more targeted entry, stay and residence convenience for the majority of overseas Chinese visiting relatives in China. The "Regulations on "Family Visiting" are separated from the L visa, and a Q visa is added. According to the application time limit and the characteristics of the people, it is divided into two sub-categories: Q1 and Q2.





In addition, how to apply for a visa for a foreign baby born in China?

First, birth registration: the parents shall obtain receives the birth declaration receipt within 60 days after the baby is born;

Second,passport application: parents apply for a new passport or international travel document from the embassy or consulate of their country in China;

Third, visa application: within 120 days after the birth registration,parents apply if obtaining a passport or international travel document.

合并起来美国签证找大鹤 微信号:usadahe