1、外国专家局对学历认证的要求 Requirements
① 最高学位(学历)证书在国外获得的,应经我驻外使、领馆或由申请人获得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学历认证机构认证。
Highest degree (degree certificate) obtained in foreign countries, shall be authenticated by Chinese embassies, consulates in the country it was issued, or get authenticated by the embassy/consulates of the country where it was issued in China,or get verified by education certification organization in China.
The certificate of no criminal record is one of the important application conditions/materials for Chinese enterprises to apply for Chinese work permit for their foreign employees, which requires the relevant government departments of their own country to provide official proof materials to prove that the foreign talent has no criminal facts.